Culinary Quiz


Culinary Questions – Chaine Boston – February 17th, 2021

Special thanks to our Professional Members who contributed:

Grand Commandeur Vice Conceil Culinaire Provincial Nord Est Hon. Dean Lynch

Chef Rôtisseur Patrick Kilduff

Chef Rôtisseur Nicholas Schiarizzi

Chef Rôtisseur Gerard Tice


Click here for a PDF of this Quiz


Section 1


1.) What is the Standard Breading Procedure 


2.) What is IQF 


3.) What is the millard reaction 


4.) What makes hot peppers hot 


5.) What is the Meaning of Cooking Sous Vide 


Section 2


1.) Name five thickening agents?


2.) How many ribs are on a steer and identify what number ribs remain on the secondary cut of the steer and name the cuts?


3.) In 1800 Napoleon’s army won a battle over the Austrian army in a town in Italy. That evening Napoleon’s chef created a dish for him named after the town.  Name the town and dish?


4.) How much does a pint of water weigh?


5.) Why did God create tomatoes?


Section 3                 The Chili Pepper


If you can’t stand the heat,.........but some like it hot. How hot is it?We sometimes ask “How spicy is it?” but what we really want to know is how hot it is?


1.) Is there a method of rating how hot a chili pepper is?


2.) What is the method called by which we measure the heat inside of a chili pepper?


3.) How is it measured?


4.) How hot can a hot pepper be?


5.) How hot are our everyday peppers like Jalapeno, Poblano or Anaheim?


6.) What is the hottest pepper?


7.) Can the method above measure how hot pepper spray, used for protection is?


Section 4


1.) Guess the origin of these 5 food names


1a.) Romaine

1b.) Fig Newton

1c.) Monterey Jack

1d.) Vichyssoise Soup

1e.) Lima Beans


2.) How many rows in an ear of Corn?


3.) What is white chocolate and does it actually contain any chocolate?


4.) When purchasing eggs from a local farm, they are often irregular size. How do I

know the right measurement for baking?


5.) What does F.I.F.O stand for?



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